Purchasing A Home
Beyond the Rate: You Found Your Dream Home! What Happens on Closing Day?
So, you finally found your dream home and have an accepted purchase contract. Congratulations! Now what? Contact your lender and make sure they have the legally executed purchase contract. The lender will order: • An appraisal • Title work • Location survey (ordered if needed) Once approved, your lender will contact you to determine the closing time and location. On the day of closing, you will need your driver’s license. Be ready to sign your name a lot! Once this is done, the title company will file your new deed and mortgage with the county. Congrats! You are now a homeowner!! Contact us to get your Mortgage Questions Answered: https://www.cnbohio.com/personal/loans/lenders/ Get Pre-Approved Today: https://www.cnbohio.com/personal/loans/#home-loans #communitybank #mortgage #mortgagelender #firstimehomebuyer #howtobuyahouse #ohiohomes #banker #banklocal #loan
Beyond the Rate: You Found Your Dream Home! You've Been Approved! Now What?
So, you finally found your dream home and have an accepted purchase contract. Congratulations! Now what? Contact your lender and make sure they have the legally executed purchase contract. The lender will order: • An appraisal • Title work • Location survey (ordered if needed) Once approved, your lender will contact you to determine the closing time and location. On the day of closing, you will need your driver’s license. Be ready to sign your name a lot! Once this is done, the title company will file your new deed and mortgage with the county. Congrats! You are now a homeowner!! Contact us to get your Mortgage Questions Answered: https://www.cnbohio.com/personal/loans/lenders/ Get Pre-Approved Today: https://www.cnbohio.com/personal/loans/#home-loans #communitybank #mortgage #mortgagelender #firstimehomebuyer #howtobuyahouse #ohiohomes #banker #banklocal #loan
Beyond the Rate: You Found Your Dream Home! What's going on behind the scenes?
So, you finally found your dream home and have an accepted purchase contract. Congratulations! Now what? Contact your lender and make sure they have the legally executed purchase contract. The lender will order: • An appraisal • Title work • Location survey (ordered if needed) Once approved, your lender will contact you to determine the closing time and location. On the day of closing, you will need your driver’s license. Be ready to sign your name a lot! Once this is done, the title company will file your new deed and mortgage with the county. Congrats! You are now a homeowner!! Contact us to get your Mortgage Questions Answered: https://www.cnbohio.com/personal/loans/lenders/ Get Pre-Approved Today: https://www.cnbohio.com/personal/loans/#home-loans #communitybank #mortgage #mortgagelender #firstimehomebuyer #howtobuyahouse #ohiohomes #banker #banklocal #loan
Beyond the Rate: You Found Your Dream Home! Here's what NOT to do!
So, you finally found your dream home and have an accepted purchase contract. Congratulations! Now what? Contact your lender and make sure they have the legally executed purchase contract. The lender will order: • An appraisal • Title work • Location survey (ordered if needed) Once approved, your lender will contact you to determine the closing time and location. On the day of closing, you will need your driver’s license. Be ready to sign your name a lot! Once this is done, the title company will file your new deed and mortgage with the county. Congrats! You are now a homeowner!! Contact us to get your Mortgage Questions Answered: https://www.cnbohio.com/personal/loans/lenders/ Get Pre-Approved Today: https://www.cnbohio.com/personal/loans/#home-loans #communitybank #mortgage #mortgagelender #firstimehomebuyer #howtobuyahouse #ohiohomes #banker #banklocal #loan
Beyond the Rate: You Found Your Dream Home, Now What?
So, you finally found your dream home and have an accepted purchase contract. Congratulations! Now what? Contact your lender and make sure they have the legally executed purchase contract. The lender will order: • An appraisal • Title work • Location survey (ordered if needed) Once approved, your lender will contact you to determine the closing time and location. On the day of closing, you will need your driver’s license. Be ready to sign your name a lot! Once this is done, the title company will file your new deed and mortgage with the county. Congrats! You are now a homeowner!! Contact us to get your Mortgage Questions Answered: https://www.cnbohio.com/personal/loans/lenders/ Get Pre-Approved Today: https://www.cnbohio.com/personal/loans/#home-loans #communitybank #mortgage #mortgagelender #firstimehomebuyer #howtobuyahouse #ohiohomes #banker #banklocal #loan
Beyond the Rate: You Found Your Dream Home, Now What?
So, you finally found your dream home and have an accepted purchase contract. Congratulations! Now what? Contact your lender and make sure they have the legally executed purchase contract. The lender will order: • An appraisal • Title work • Location survey (ordered if needed) Once approved, your lender will contact you to determine the closing time and location. On the day of closing, you will need your driver’s license. Be ready to sign your name a lot! Once this is done, the title company will file your new deed and mortgage with the county. Congrats! You are now a homeowner!! Contact us to get your Mortgage Questions Answered: https://www.cnbohio.com/personal/loans/lenders/ Get Pre-Approved Today: https://www.cnbohio.com/personal/loans/#home-loans #communitybank #mortgage #mortgagelender #firstimehomebuyer #howtobuyahouse #ohiohomes #banker #banklocal #loan
Beyond the Rate: What is the Ohio Homebuyer Plus Program?
CNB is participating in the Ohio Homebuyer Plus Savings Program which provides a high rate savings account to save for a new home. Account proceeds can only be used toward the down payment or closing costs of a home purchased in Ohio, to become a primary residence. The account may only be open for 5 years. If funds are not utilized for eligible purposes at the end of the 5-year term, the account will be closed and funds returned to the account owner or moved to a non-Ohio Homebuyer Plus Savings account. Participants must be: • Ohio resident • At least 18 years of age • Primary residence located in the State of Ohio To learn more about CNB's account offer, visit https://www.cnbohio.com/homebuyer-plus-program For information about the program from the state of Ohio, visit ohiotreasurer.gov/homebuyerplus. Find a Citizens National Bank office at https://www.cnbohio.com/location #highyieldsavings #newhome #savings #savingforahouse #communitybank #ohiohomes #cnbohio
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