Message from the President | December 2020
The holiday season is upon us and it will no doubt look different for the majority of us. While a vaccine for COVID-19 will soon be available, large gatherings and traditional holiday celebrations are being discouraged by state and federal officials to ensure the safety of all. Like many of you, here at CNB, we have changed our typical holiday celebrations while looking forward to a more normal routine in 2021.
There are many questions yet to be addressed for the upcoming year, however, we see a positive outlook and stability on the horizon. Our branch locations and departments are currently planning strategies to handle any situation in 2021. We continue to strengthen our electronic services and have recently launched Zelle which is a person-to-person payment system allowing our customers to instantly send money to family, friends, and acquaintances. Our lending and credit departments are working on enhancing our ability to use electronic signatures for transactions such as loan closings and account opening processes.
As you make plans for your business or personal life for the upcoming year, let us know if you have questions or would like to understand how we can help you achieve your goals. Simply put, we want to provide you with the tools you need to have a successful 2021. On behalf of all of us here at CNB, we wish you a wonderful and healthy holiday season!
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