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Connecting the Dots: Resources for Small Business

Featuring Jared Ebbing, PE, Community Economic Development Director - Mercer County Small business owners face many challenges. Utilizing local resources and teaming up with other small business owners can provide beneficial information for everyone on a variety of topics. Jared Ebbing, Mercer County Community/Economic Director, shared his insights on tapping into local resources, keeping up with ever-changing state and federal government regulations and helping your business to grow.

Making Your Message Stick

Tips for communicating effectively. Do you ever wonder if what you are saying to your customers or employees is getting through? If you really want to make your message stick with your audience, you need to be aware of the way you are presenting your message and consider altering it to fit the age, gender or communication style of the person you are addressing. Communications specialist Ellen Dunnigan outlines some of the key factors in grabbing your audience's attention and getting them to remember what you said.

Creating Positive Change in Your Organization

Developing a strategic plan requires a change of culture and a collaborative process from top management to employees on all levels of the organization. Six Disciplines President & Owner Eric Kurjan explains an organization must first recognize it is missing objectives and goals and then analyze, define and prioritize the areas of focus. By involving the entire organization from top to bottom, there is a great chance at success, long-term results and higher satisfaction amongst employees.

Mapping Your Financial Future - Developing a Road Map for Your Future

Planning for your future is important no matter if you are just starting out in your adult life or thinking about retirement. Financial planner Debbie Boisselle shares her insight on things to consider when planning for a family, new home, college, aging parents and retirement. It is important to remember it is never too early or never too late to plan for your future and to consult with an expert to see what options fit best into your lifestyle.

Mapping Your Financial Future - Financial Planning

Planning for your future is important no matter if you are just starting out in your adult life or thinking about retirement. Financial planner Debbie Boisselle shares her insight on things to consider when planning for a family, new home, college, aging parents and retirement. It is important to remember it is never too early or never too late to plan for your future and to consult with an expert to see what options fit best into your lifestyle.

Small Business Technology

Business owners face many challenges with time and resources. CNB's products including merchant capture, online for business and CNB Messenger allow our clients to access accounts from anywhere through devices such as an iPad or smartphone. As head of IT for CNB, Andy Knippen understands the importance of working from anywhere. With the bank's technology, Andy has the option to work remotely when necessary, even from his farm.

Succession Planning

Allowing enough time for planning is key for a business succession plan to have a positive outcome. Attorney Steve Romey explains some of the factors to consider when easing into retirement or considering passing the business along to a family member. Minimizing business disruption, ensuring financial security, filling key positions and keeping employees happy are just some of the factors to take under consideration when planning for this important phase of a business' operation.

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Building on the Positives

Motivational speaker Bruce Boguski of the Winner's Edge explains why "what if" thinking never works. By using the power of positive belief and giving more attention to the positive moments, we can begin to build a more successful life, both personally and professionally.

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Determining Your Business Type

Van Wert attorney Steve Keister breaks down the different options available when starting a small business and the legal ramifications associated with sole proprietorship, partnerships, LLC's and corporations.

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Mortgage Questions Answered!

Today's home buying market is very competitive and being pro-active with your financing has never been more important. Citizen National Bank's Mary Ann George explains the process of getting pre-approved, the benefits of working with a local community bank and the many options available for you as a buyer.

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What are Social Security Survivor Benefits?

The amount of the survivor benefit depends on two things. First, when the deceased spouse claimed his/her “original” benefit and when the widow claims his/her survivor (actual) benefit. Debbie Boisselle, VP of Investments for Citizens Wealth Management Group discusses how the survivor benefit can be claimed. Citizens Wealth Management Group:

What are Social Security Spousal Benefits?

Debbie Boisselle, VP of Investments for Citizens Wealth Management Group explains how the spouse of a worker may be entitled to a spousal benefit with Social Security, the percentage that could be and the rules for collecting. Citizens Wealth Management Group:

When Should I Apply for Social Security?

Did you know that the age you apply for your Social Security benefits affects what your permanent benefit will be for the rest of your life? Debbie Boisselle, VP of Investments for Citizens Wealth Management Group helps decipher what your benefits will be based on the age you apply for your benefits. Citizens Wealth Management Group:

What Does Full Retirement Age and Primary Insurance Amount Mean for Social Security?

Debbie Boisselle, VP of Investments for Citizens Wealth Management Group explains how your full retirement age determines what your primary insurance amount will be when applying for Social Security. Citizens Wealth Management Group:

How is Social Security an Income You Can’t Outlive?

Social Security is something that when you sign up for it, it is there for life. Debbie Boisselle, VP of Investments for Citizens Wealth Management Group discusses the lifetime benefits and annual inflation adjustments of Social Security. Citizens Wealth Management Group:

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Impact on Planning Strategies

Duncan McGuffie, Prudential’s Divisional Vice President, presented a workshop that outlined the tax changes and provided tips for looking at your portfolio through a tax efficiency lens. The Tax Cuts & Jobs Act that was passed this past year represents the biggest change to tax code since 1986, and the second biggest change since 1913. While the goal was to simplify taxes for the majority, there are several changes that may affect your personal and business finances beginning in 2019.

CNB Mobile Banking: Providing Access to the Financial Tools You Need.

Our mobile app gives you access to the financial tools you need wherever you are. Learn More About Mobile Banking:

Mobile Deposit: Deposit Checks Right from Your Phone

Skip the trip to the bank and use Mobile Deposit. Learn More About Mobile Deposit: Learn More About Mobile Banking:

Mobile Banking: Banking Made Safe and Easy

With our Mobile Banking App you can safely take your banking anywhere. Learn More About Mobile Banking:

CNB Mobile Banking: Changing the Way We Bank

All of the functionality of banking you're used to made easier to use with CNB Mobile Banking. Learn More About Mobile Banking:

Goal Based Savings Account

Saving for a specific goal just easier with CNB's new Goal-Based Savings Account. This simple account lets you title the account based upon the goal you're trying to achieve - for example, vacation, furniture, etc... and state an amount you plan to save. By separating your money into different savings buckets, you're more likely to use the money for that stated purpose and feel a sense of accomplishment once you've achieved it. Apply Now Online!

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Our Unique Approach to Easily Switching Your Accounts Over to CNB

We know the idea of switching your business accounts to another financial institution seems daunting. But with the help of our experienced staff and a personalized transition plan, we will make it as seamless as possible. How It Works: The initial contact person, usually a business banker, will sit down with you to discuss the services you currently utilize and any additional services that might prove beneficial in running your business. He/she will then present recommendations and pricing for your review. Once the decision has been made to switch to CNB, this initial contact becomes your Team Captain and will tailor the team of individuals needed to transition your accounts to CNB with little effort on your part. We will assist you in: • Moving your accounts • Changing any electronic payments for you • Setting up direct deposit and payroll for your employees • Training your employees on our Online for Business product You'll be provided a list of key Citizens National Bank contacts and phone numbers, along with an explanation of what each person's primary function with your accounts will be. This way, you'll know specifically who to call should you have any type of question about your accounts. Your Transition Team Could Include: • Treasury Services Analyst • Customer Service Representative • Office Manager • Lender • Online for Business Specialist • Merchant Services Contact • Visa® Contact • HSA Specialist • Courier Service Contact Contact CNB Today!

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Keep Yourself Safe Against Fraud: Don't share this info

Quiz time! learn what personal information you shouldn't share.

Features of CNB Mobile Banking Explained #communitybank

Defiance Customer Service Representative Sarah explains how to pay bills, transfer funds, and deposit checks from your phone. Download the app from the App Store or Google Play. You can find it by searching cnbohio.Learn more at: #communitybank #banklocal #banking #communitybanking #golocal #bank #finance See less

What are the Features within CNB Mobile Banking App? #communitybank

Defiance Customer Service representative Sarah shares how she monitors her account funds and credit score and manages her credit and debit card through the CNB Mobile Banking App. Download the app from the App Store or Google Play. You can find it by searching cnbohio. Learn more at: #communitybank #banklocal #banking #communitybanking #golocal #bank #finance See less

How to Make Person to Person Payments in the CNB Mobile App.

Defiance Customer Service Representative Sarah explains how to make person-to-person payments in the CNB Mobile Banking App. Download the app from the App Store or Google Play. You can find it by searching cnbohio. Learn more at: #communitybank #banklocal #banking #communitybanking #golocal #bank #finance See less

Social Security – What you need to know in 2024

When it comes to deciding when to take Social Security, there are many factors that may come into play, including whether you intend to keep working and how much your spouse is entitled to. You can take it as early as age 62, but waiting until you’re age 70 offers a larger monthly benefit. Debbie Boisselle, VP of Investments for Citizens National Bank, explains what you need to consider before opting into your Social Security benefits. She also touches upon Medicare enrollment and some things to watch out for when making those decisions. Citizens Wealth Management Group: Debbie Boisselle, VP of Investments: #socialsecurity #retirement #retirementstrategy #socialsecuritybenefit

Social Security – What you need to know in 2024

When it comes to deciding when to take Social Security, there are many factors that may come into play, including whether you intend to keep working and how much your spouse is entitled to. You can take it as early as age 62, but waiting until you’re age 70 offers a larger monthly benefit. Debbie Boisselle, VP of Investments for Citizens National Bank, explains what you need to consider before opting into your Social Security benefits. She also touches upon Medicare enrollment and some things to watch out for when making those decisions. Citizens Wealth Management Group: Debbie Boisselle, VP of Investments: Full Presentation: #socialsecurity #retirement #retirementstrategy #socialsecuritybenefit

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